

Oh dear! From the “About me” page you will know that the English don’t like talking about money.  It all depends on how far I have to travel, how many lessons you want, whether you want to have lessons alone or with friends.  So it is negotiable.  But other people seem to charge about £25 an hour…  I am not a good business person, so if you look hungrier than I do you could get a good deal. But if you play professional football or have expensive looking shoes I might have to charge you the going rate for a highly trained and experienced professional.

Method of Payment

Cash would be nice, after each lesson, to begin with.  When you come to trust me I would prefer to be paid for a number of lessons in advance, but, again, that is negotiable.

If you cancel a lesson for any reason (including sickness), I would need 24 hours notice   before the class, or else I would need to charge you for the lesson missed.   (Again, I’m a soft touch  about things like this, but I’d better keep that a secret).